FEPSAC 2019: Introduction to Bayes statistics using GNU R for sport neuroscientists/psychologists

Aktivität: Teilnahme an oder Organisation einer VeranstaltungKonferenzorganisation und -teilnahmeForschung


Aim of this workshop is to introduce participants into the basics of Bayesian inference using GNU R. The participants will learn the core concepts of Bayes with respect to standard inference in the context of e.g. group comparisons and factorial designs. Further, they will learn how to use GNU R for this purpose. Participants will be introduced how to use R for scripting analyses and making meaningful, i.e. interpretable plots. To do so we will use example data from the field of sport psychology and cognitive neuroscience. The participants should take their laptops (Mac/Windows) and an USB sticks (at least 4GB) with them and should have basic knowledge in scripting (GNU R). All other information (WIFI access for downloading and installing necessary packages) and material (an installation copy of R Studio, PowerPoint slides and scripts) will be provided on-site. The group size is restricted to 20 participants.
OrtMünster, DeutschlandAuf Karte anzeigen