Analytic and descriptive approaches to systematic match analysis in table tennis – A review.

Titel in Übersetzung: Analytische und deskriptive Ansätze der systematischen Matchanalyse imTischtennis. Ein Review

Gunter Straub, Timo Klein-Soetebier

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftZeitschriftenaufsätzeForschungBegutachtung


In the field of table tennis, there are a variety of approaches for systematicmatch analysis, as well as various ways to categorize these approaches. In this review article, first, diverse forms of game analysis in table tennis, and—as far as methodologically reasonable—in other fields of racket sport and team sport are collected and illustrated. In addition, the logic of categorizing approaches for table tennis-specific game analysis is outlined. On the background of the literature review, it is stated that descriptive and analytic research instruments to investigate table tennismatches can serve applied as well as basic scientific intentions. Furthermore, the current situation in Germany with respect to the tactical analysis in table tennis is multifariously discussed, including hints for
the future development of systematic match analysis in this particular sport. It is concluded that it could be fruitful to interlink already existing academic and service institutions dealing with tactical analysis in table tennis.
Finally, the potential urgency to include systematic game analysis into the education of table tennis coaches is emphasized.
Titel in ÜbersetzungAnalytische und deskriptive Ansätze der systematischen Matchanalyse imTischtennis. Ein Review
ZeitschriftGerman Journal of Exercise and Sport Research
Seiten (von - bis)95-102
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 01.01.2017
