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Im Zuge der differenzierten Betrachtung des Forschungsprofils der Hauptakteure im naturwissenschaftlichen Kampf gegen Doping stehen der britische Pharmakologe Prof. Arnold Beckett und der deutsche Biochemiker Prof. Manfred Donike im Zentrum dieses Buches. Beide unterstützten ab den späten 1960er Jahren die Anti-Doping Initiativen des Internationalen Olympischen Komitees (IOC) und des Internationalen Leichtathletik Verbandes (IAAF). Mit der Einführung der IOC-Subkommission „Doping und Biochemie“ im Jahre 1980 wurden ausgewählte Naturwissenschaftler um Beckett und Donike schließlich zu Schlüsselfiguren für die Durchführung und Ausweitung des internationalen Dopingkontrollsystems. Dies gelang ihnen durch die institutionelle Implementierung eines internationalen Netzwerkes von Anti-Doping Laboren, durch die Einführung und Weiterentwicklung entscheidender Nachweis- und Analyseverfahren sowie durch die Einrichtung von Schulungsmaßnahmen zur internationalen Synchronisierung von wissenschaftlichen und organisatorischen Verfahren.
Based on extensive multi-national and multi-lingual archival research, this book examines the evolution of scientific knowledge within the international anti-doping community that coalesced during the second half of the twentieth century. Two key figures from a group of leading scientific experts serve as the focal points of the investigation, British pharmacologist Arnold Beckett and German biochemist Manfred Donike. After supporting early anti-doping initiatives in the late 1960s and 1970s, they became highly influential in such leading sports organizations as the International Olympic Committee and the International Association of Athletics Federations. From the 1980s onward, the international sport system relied heavily on their network of anti-doping laboratory experts in maintaining and advancing a rigid testing regime. Hence, this book offers a nuanced analysis of the establishment of the structures and initiatives in the global fight against doping in sport.
Based on extensive multi-national and multi-lingual archival research, this book examines the evolution of scientific knowledge within the international anti-doping community that coalesced during the second half of the twentieth century. Two key figures from a group of leading scientific experts serve as the focal points of the investigation, British pharmacologist Arnold Beckett and German biochemist Manfred Donike. After supporting early anti-doping initiatives in the late 1960s and 1970s, they became highly influential in such leading sports organizations as the International Olympic Committee and the International Association of Athletics Federations. From the 1980s onward, the international sport system relied heavily on their network of anti-doping laboratory experts in maintaining and advancing a rigid testing regime. Hence, this book offers a nuanced analysis of the establishment of the structures and initiatives in the global fight against doping in sport.
Originalsprache | Englisch |
Erscheinungsort | Champaign, IL |
Verlag | Common Ground |
Seitenumfang | 394 |
ISBN (Print) | 978-1-61229-834-4 |
ISBN (elektronisch) | 978-1-61229-835-1 |
Publikationsstatus | Veröffentlicht - 2016 |
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