Gravity and Neuronal Adaptation: Neurophysiology of Reflexes from Hypo- to Hypergravity Conditions

Ramona Ritzmann, Anne Krause, Kathrin Freyler, Albert Gollhofer

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftZeitschriftenaufsätzeForschungBegutachtung


Introduction: For interplanetary and orbital missions in human space flight, knowledge about the gravity-sensitivity of the central nervous system (CNS) is required. The objective of this study was to assess neurophysiological correlates in variable hetero gravity conditions in regard to their timing and shaping. Methods: In ten subjects, peripheral nerve stimulation was used to elicit H-reflexes and M-waves in the M. soleus in Lunar, Martian, Earth and hypergravity. Gravity-dependencies were described by means of reflex latency, inter-peak-interval, duration, stimulation threshold and maximal amplitudes. Experiments were executed during the CNES/ESA/DLR JEPPFs. Results: H-reflex latency, inter-peak-interval and duration decreased with increasing gravitation (P<0.05); likewise, M-wave inter-peak-interval was diminished and latency prolonged with increasing gravity (P<0.05). Stimulation threshold of H-reflexes and M-waves decreased (P<0.05) while maximal amplitudes increased with an increase in gravitation (P<0.05). Conclusion: Adaptations in neurophysiological correlates in hetero gravity are associated with a shift in timing and shaping. For the first time, our results indicate that synaptic and axonal nerve conduction velocity as well as axonal and spinal excitability are diminished with reduced gravitational forces on the Moon and Mars and gradually increased when gravitation is progressively augmented up to hypergravity. Interrelated with the adaptation in threshold we conclude that neuronal circuitries are significantly affected by gravitation. As a consequence, movement control and countermeasures may be biased in extended space missions involving transitions between different force environments.
ZeitschriftMicrogravity Science and Technology
Seiten (von - bis)9-18
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2017


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