Metabolism of 4-hydroxyandrostenedione and 4-hydroxytestosterone

Maxie Kohler, Maria Kristina Parr, Georg Opfermann, Wilhelm Schänzer

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandKonferenzbeitrag - Aufsatz in KonferenzbandForschung


For the detection of the misuse of 4-hydroxyandrostenedione or 4-hydroxytestosterone in sports their metabolism was investigated providing information on renally excreted metabolic products. Several possible metabolites were synthesised and compared with compounds found in urine after single application of one of the two substances. Analysis was performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Regarding 4-hydroxyandrostenedione and 4-hydroxytestosterone phase-I as well as phase-II metabolism were found to be identical. Phase-I metabolism is mainly reductive and versatile, and for phase-II metabolism glucuronides and sulphates were identified. For inference on the applied substance the analysis of excretion times or ratios of amounts of the urinary metabolites might be useful. A first consideration of the amounts of excreted glucuronidated 4-hydroxyandrostenedione and 4-hydroxytestosterone gave an idea of a possible quantitative difference. Aus dem Text
TitelRecent advances in doping analysis (14) : Proceedings of the Manfred Donike Workshop ; 24th Cologne Workshop on Dope Analysis 4th to 9th June 2006
Herausgeber*innenWilhelm Schänzer, Hans Geyer, A. Gotzmann, Ute Mareck
Herausgeber (Verlag)Sport & Buch Strauß
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2006
VeranstaltungCologne Workshop on Dope Analysis - Köln, Deutschland
Dauer: 04.06.200609.06.2006
Konferenznummer: 24

Fachgebiete und Schlagwörter

  • Biochemie
  • Doping
  • Dopingnachweis
  • Gaschromatographie
  • Leistungssport
  • Leistungssteigerung
  • Massenspektrometrie
  • Messverfahren
  • Metabolit
  • Sportmedizin
  • Steroid, anaboles
  • Untersuchungsmethode
  • Urin
  • Urinuntersuchung


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