Rapid screening of polysaccharide based plasma volume expanders dextran and hydroxyethyl starch in human urine by liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandKonferenzbeitrag - Aufsatz in KonferenzbandForschung


The increasing number of samples and target substances in doping control require continuously improved screening methods, combining high throughput analysis, simplified sample preparation, robustness and reliability. Hence, a rapid screening procedure based on liquid chromatography - electrospray ionisation - tandem mass spectrometry with in-source collision-induced dissociation was developed. The detection of the polysaccharide-based plasma volume expanders dextran and hydroxyethyl starch (HES) in human urine was established without further sample preparation. The in-source fragmentation strategy of the approach represented a valuable tool in the analysis of the polysaccharide-based compounds, allowing the use of tandem mass spectrometry. After direct injection of urine specimens, analytes were chromatographically separated on a monolithic reverse phase column utilizing gradient elution and detected via multiple reaction monitoring of diagnostic ions at detection limits of 10 µg/mL for HES and 30 µg/mL for dextran. Validation was performed regarding the parameters specificity, linearity, precision (8-18 %) and accuracy (77-105 %) and the method was applied to the investigation of approx. 400 doping control samples and 7 dextran and 2 hydroxyethyl starch post-administration samples. The approach demonstrated its capability as a rapid screening tool for the detection of dextran and hydroxyethyl starch and represents an alternative to existing screening procedures since time consuming hydrolysis or derivatisation steps were omitted. Verf.-Referat
TitelRecent advances in doping analysis (16) : Proceedings of the Manfred Donike Workshop ; 26th Cologne Workshop on Dope Analysis, 24th to 29th February 2008
Herausgeber*innenWilhelm Schänzer, Hans Geyer, A. Gotzmann, Ute Mareck
Herausgeber (Verlag)Sportverlag Strauß
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2008
VeranstaltungCologne Workshop on Dope Analysis - Köln, Deutschland
Dauer: 24.02.200829.02.2008
Konferenznummer: 26

Fachgebiete und Schlagwörter

  • Biochemie
  • Doping
  • Dopingkontrolle
  • Dopingnachweis
  • Flüssigkeitschromatographie
  • Massenspektrometrie
  • Plasmavolumen
  • Screening
  • Sportmedizin
  • Urin


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