REFS-D: Eine deutschsprachige Skala zur Erfassung der Schiedsrichterselbstwirksamkeit

Sarah Labudek, Geoffrey Schweizer, Anika Roth, Alexandra Pizzera, Henning Plessner, Ralf Brand

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftZeitschriftenaufsätzeForschungBegutachtung


The purpose of the present article was to evaluate statistically and validate a German version of the Referee Self-Efficacy Scale (REFS). The English REFS assesses referee self-efficacy and consists of the scales Game Knowledge, Decision-Making, Pressure, and Communication. Data from 265 soccer referees was used to evaluate the structure and psychometric properties of the German items. Since we could not replicate the original dimension structure, we excluded items from the German REFS (REFS-D) that showed poor item characteristics. Analyses resulted in a short REFS-D consisting of eight items, subdivided into three dimensions: game realization, pressure, and communication. Results show acceptable internal consistencies. All three subscales of the REFS-D showed significant moderate correlations with general self-efficacy. Despite some limitations, the REFS-D represents an economic questionnaire and starting point for future research.
ZeitschriftZeitschrift für Sportpsychologie
Seiten (von - bis)15-24
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 01.2019

Fachgebiete und Schlagwörter

  • factor analysis
  • referees' decisions
  • refficacy
  • self-efficacy
