Vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich hauptsächlich mit dem Vergleich zwischen der deutschen und chinesischen Sportpädagogik. In ihr wird einerseits ein geschichtlicher Überblick der chinesischen Sporterziehung sowie andererseits der gegenwärtige Stand der chinesischen Sportpädagogik skizziert. Der Vergleich und die Analyse werden durch fünf theoretische Themen (Bildung und Erziehung, Sozialisation, Sportlehreausbildung, Hochleistungssport, Sport und Umwelt als ausgewählte Problemfelder) sowie anhand von drei Beispielen durchgeführt (Curriculum des Lehramts, Kinder-Spitzenathleten und „Grüne Olympiade“). Die Kernergebnisse des Vergleichs lauten: (1) Der chinesische sporterzieherische Gedanke entstand relativ früh, entwickelte sich jedoch vergleichsweise langsam. Der neuzeitliche Sportgedanke in China wurde von den westlichen Ländern beeinflusst. Die chinesische Sportpädagogik entstand als eigenständige Wissenschaftsdisziplin relativ spät und wird bis in die Gegenwart nur auf den „engen Sinn“, und zwar den Schulsport beschränkt. (2) Wegen der unterschiedlichen Verständnisse bezüglich Bildung und Erziehung weisen sowohl die Erziehungsziele im Sportunterricht als auch die Sportlehrerausbildung in beiden Ländern große Differenzen auf. (3) Im Sport wird zwischen der Sozialisation „zum“, „im“, und „durch“ Sport unterschieden. Der chinesische Hochleistungssport hat unter sportpädagogischen Gesichtpunkten mit drei Problemen zu kämpfen: einem ideologischen, einem trainingsmethodischen sowie einem Bildungsproblem. (4) Obwohl „Sport und Umwelt“ ein wichtiges Thema im Rahmen der globalen Umweltproblematik ist, ist die sportbezogene Umwelterziehung in China noch weitgehend Desiderat. Die „Grüne Olympiade“ bietet eine gute Gelegenheit für China, die sportbezogene Umwelterziehung durchzuführen. Die Ursachen für die Unterschiede in der Sportpädagogik zwischen China und Deutschland gehören zur Kategorie System und Kultur, und zwar zum Politik-, Wirtschafts-, Bildungs- und Sportsystem einerseits, sowie zur Kultur und Tradition auf der anderen Seite. Deswegen muss das Konzept „Sportpädagogik chinesischer Prägung“ sich unter den chinesischen Rahmenbedingungen entwickeln.
The objective of this paper is to compare the sport pedagogy between Germany and China. The history of Chinese physical education and current status of Chinese sport pedagogy were reviewed. Five main topics are discussed theoretically, including education, socialization, sports teachers’ training, professional athletics and sports & environment. In addition, three selected examples, curriculum in sports teachers’ training, child professional athletes and “Green Olympics”, were described to better illustrate the similarities and differences. The main results are: (1) the concept of Chinese physical education appeared relative early, but the development was quite slow. Chinese modern sports concept was influenced by western thoughts. Chinese sport pedagogy appeared relative late as independent scientific subject with narrow sense concept limited in school sports only. (2) The objective of education in school sports course was different in these two countries due to different understanding of education, as well as sports teachers’ training. (3) The socialization of sport is the results “to”, “in” and “through” the sport. From the sport pedagogy’s aspect, Chinese professional athletics has three problems in terms of ideology, training method and education. (4) The environment education in sport is a quite new topic in China, although “sport and environment” is an important issue in the global picture. The “Green Olympics” provide a good opportunity for China to further develop the environment education in sport. The reasons for the differences in the sport pedagogy between China and Germany can be interpreted from two aspects, system and culture, including politic system, economic system, educational system, sports system and history and tradition as well. As a prospective suggestion based on above discussion, the development of Chinese sport pedagogy must in accordance with Chinese characteristic country situation.
The objective of this paper is to compare the sport pedagogy between Germany and China. The history of Chinese physical education and current status of Chinese sport pedagogy were reviewed. Five main topics are discussed theoretically, including education, socialization, sports teachers’ training, professional athletics and sports & environment. In addition, three selected examples, curriculum in sports teachers’ training, child professional athletes and “Green Olympics”, were described to better illustrate the similarities and differences. The main results are: (1) the concept of Chinese physical education appeared relative early, but the development was quite slow. Chinese modern sports concept was influenced by western thoughts. Chinese sport pedagogy appeared relative late as independent scientific subject with narrow sense concept limited in school sports only. (2) The objective of education in school sports course was different in these two countries due to different understanding of education, as well as sports teachers’ training. (3) The socialization of sport is the results “to”, “in” and “through” the sport. From the sport pedagogy’s aspect, Chinese professional athletics has three problems in terms of ideology, training method and education. (4) The environment education in sport is a quite new topic in China, although “sport and environment” is an important issue in the global picture. The “Green Olympics” provide a good opportunity for China to further develop the environment education in sport. The reasons for the differences in the sport pedagogy between China and Germany can be interpreted from two aspects, system and culture, including politic system, economic system, educational system, sports system and history and tradition as well. As a prospective suggestion based on above discussion, the development of Chinese sport pedagogy must in accordance with Chinese characteristic country situation.
Originalsprache | Deutsch |
Erscheinungsort | Köln |
Verlag | Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln |
Seitenumfang | 271 |
Publikationsstatus | Veröffentlicht - 2008 |