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Working memory in sports
Furley, P., Memmert, D., Bertrams, A., Englert, C. & Laborde, S.
Project: Funded by internal resources
Einfluss des carbohydrate mouth rinsing auf die kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit
Laborde, S., Hoffmann, S. & Hosang, T.
Project: Funded by internal resources
Fast-paced breathing interventions in sports: testing the physiological effects on the autonomic nervous system
Voigt, L., Iskra, M., Laborde, S. & Mosley, E.
01.03.23 → 31.05.24
Project: University funding programs
Motor heuristics and movement analogies for performance and health
Voigt, L., Raab, M., Lobinger, B., Redlich, D., Musculus-Schönenborn, L., Pizzera, A., Laborde, S., Eckardt, V., Grove, P., Masters, R. S. W., Button, C., Hoskens, M., Park, S. H., Nieuwenhuys, A., Liga, L., van Duijn, T., Sullivan, R. & Sidhu, A.
01.02.23 → 31.03.24
Project: Funded by third parties
Der Einfluss des Tauchreflexes auf die kardiale vagale und sympathische Aktivität
01.03.22 → 01.03.23
Project: University funding programs
Influence of breathing techniques on sport performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Iskra, M., Zammit, N. & Laborde, S.
01.01.21 → 30.06.22
Project: University funding programs
AusWoCo: Ausdauerleistung und Wohlbefinden von Athlet*innen in Zeiten von Covid-19: Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Appbasierten Trainings mit Atemübung und Biofeedback
Borges, U., Lobinger, B., Javelle, F., Zacher, J. & Laborde, S.
01.12.20 → 30.04.23
Project: Funded by third parties
DAAD Germany-Colombia
Pedraza Ramirez, I. A. & Laborde, S.
01.10.18 → 30.09.22
Project: Funded by third parties
Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Executive Functions
Borges, U., Laborde, S. & Raab, M.
01.10.16 → 30.09.19
Project: Funded by internal resources
Influence of physical and psychological stress on decision-making performance in soccer referees
Pizzera, A., Wahl, P. & Laborde, S.
07.02.16 → 06.02.18
Project: University funding programs
Influence of a single slow paced breathing session on executive cognitive performance
Laborde, S., Furley, P., Dosseville, F. E. M. & Salinas, A.
01.04.15 → 31.08.15
Project: Funded by internal resources
Influence of a slow paced breathing session on cognitive performance (Flanker task): EEG study
Laborde, S., Jendreizik, L. & Hoffmann, S.
01.04.15 → 30.09.15
Project: Funded by internal resources
Influence of handtouch on heart rate variability
Laborde, S., Furley, P., Wolf, S. & Thomas, L. I.
01.04.14 → 31.10.15
Project: Funded by internal resources
Influence of body position on executive cognitive performance through changes in heart rate variability
Laborde, S., Weckemann, S., Lautenbach, F., Furley, P. & Dosseville, F. E. M.
01.03.13 → 31.12.16
Project: Funded by internal resources
DFG Inattentional Blindness
Memmert, D., Simons, D. J., Kreitz, C., Furley, P., Bertrams, A., Englert, C. & Laborde, S.
01.01.13 → 31.12.16
Project: Funded by third parties