Projects per year
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Sportentwicklungsbericht Erhebungswellen 7 bis 9, "SEB 3.0"
01.06.17 → 31.08.26
Project: Funded by third parties
Not started
NSGO: National Sports Governance Observer: Benchmarking sports governance across national boundaries
Mittag, J., Putzmann, N. & Müller-Schoell, T.
01.02.18 → 31.10.18
Project: Funded by third parties
ERASMUS+ Take it to the street
Petry, K., Bauer, K. & Schröder, R.
01.03.17 → 31.03.19
Project: Funded by third parties
OUTSPORT - Diskriminierung im Sport aufgrund der sexuellen Orientierung und Genderidentität
Hartmann-Tews, I., Menzel, T. & Braumüller, B.
01.01.17 → 31.12.19
Project: Funded by third parties
File -
Rulofs, B., Hartmann-Tews, I., Schröer, M., Wagner, I. & Bartsch, F.
01.10.14 → 31.12.17
Project: Funded by third parties
File -
Youth Sport for Youth Rights
Rulofs, B., Axmann, G. & Schröer, M.
01.04.13 → 31.03.15
Project: Funded by third parties
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