Impact of Low Energy Availability on Hormonal Balance, Athletic Performance and Psychological Well-being in Track and Field Master Athletes

Project details

Research objective

The primary aim of this exploratory randomized crossover study is to investigate the effects of LEA on hormone regulation in master athletes (MAs); The secondary objective is to examine the relationship between hormone changes and alterations in body composition, resting metabolic rate, blood biomarkers and athletic performance; Lastly, the study will explore the psychological impacts of LEA in MAs through subjective questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. This will assess changes in quality of life, mental health (depression and anxiety), and social stress.
StatusNot started
Effective start/end date01.03.2528.02.26


  • Low Energy Availability
  • Master Athletes
  • Sports Nutrition
  • Hormones
  • Performance
  • Well-being


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