The physiological adaptation processes: Fundamentals and influencing factors (cellular, biomechanical, morphological, and medication-induced)

Project details

Research objective

This core research area focuses on projects and activities of researchers from three institutes interested in physiological adaptation processes of the musculoskeletal system to increased or reduced mechanical loading. The biomechanical, physiological, molecular and cellular adaptation processes under the influence of hormonal and/or drug stimuli are investigated. The medical and biological scientific questions are dealt within an interdisciplinary approach (biomechanics, physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, sports medicine) in the field of basic and pragmatic translational researches. The scientists work closely together with medical faculties and research groups from the universities of Cologne, Bonn, as well as from the German Aerospace Center (DLR). This enables a transfer to patho-physiological adaptation processes related to diseases and injuries affecting the locomotor system. In order to identify and characterize the adaptation mechanisms, highly sensitive analysis methods and innovative loading models are developed and applied. The adaptation processes of the musculoskeletal system are related to growth, remodeling and rehabilitation. A multilevel approach is followed, from molecule to human.
The aim of the core research area is to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of the adaptation processes in order to better understand diseases and injuries, to enable optimal function of the musculoskeletal system, to identify regulatory mechanisms of the adaptation processes, and finally, to develop therapies and new diagnostic procedures. A translation of the research results into society is of primordial importance.
Effective start/end date01.01.18 → …


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