School research and educational processes

Project details

Research objective

The core research area includes research projects in which school processes and educational processes are investigated both at the institutional level (e.g. school, university) and at the personnel level. On the personnel level research refers to the addressees of sport-related educational processes (e.g. pupils) as well as the multipliers (e.g. physical education teachers). Finally, research is directed at the educational activity itself, i.e. the design of the teaching/learning activity, physical education or curricular concepts.
The disciplinary spectrum of the core research area includes research approaches of philosophy (e.g. ethics, responsibility as a subject of physical education) and psychology (e.g. personality development in/through sport/exercise) as well as application-specific research in sociology (e.g. heterogeneity/inclusion and school learning/teaching), pedagogy (e.g. sports schools) and school research in the narrower sense (e.g. teacher training).
The overall objective of research in this core research area is to consider sport, movement, and physical activity both as a means of learning at school and of educational processes ("Education through sport/movement"), and as a setting of educational and developmental processes ("Education in sport/movement"). This consideration has a focus on school age, but also concerns related stages of education and development (e.g. pre-school development, higher education, vocational training).
The methodological spectrum describes a balance of quantitative and qualitative procedures. For quantitative procedures, data from written surveys, video analyses, and experimental behavioural data are taken into account. Qualitative analyses are based in particular on interview and video data. In accordance with the subject matter, data collection is mainly carried out in the applied setting, but is complemented by experimental work.

Research method

Das methodische Spektrum beschreibt eine Balance aus quantitativen und qualitativen Verfahren. Für quantitative Verfahren werden Daten aus schriftlichen Befragungen, Videoanalysen und experimentellen Verhaltensdaten berücksichtigt. Qualitative Analysen werden insbesondere auf Basis von Interview- und Videodaten erhoben. Datenerhebungen finden dem Gegenstand entsprechend überwiegend im Anwendungsfeld statt, werden jedoch durch experimentelle Arbeiten komplementiert.
Effective start/end date01.01.18 → …


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