Ausweissysteme im deutschen Verbands- und Vereinsmanagement: erste Schritte in einem neuen Forschungsfeld

Peter Hoffmann

Publication: Book/ReportDissertations

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Research purpose: The goal of following dissertation is to generate new (marketing) knowledge in order to optimize the conception, organization, and management of identification cards (ID cards) within German organization and club management. This topic will be addressed from the aspect of the organization members and not from an economic or political view. The purpose is justified based on the high practical relevance of this topic in German sports corresponding with a lack of existing scientific research. Scientific Theory Concept: The inductive method of theory construction serves as the methodical guideline. In this process an operational model of empirical marketing analysis from Kuß is used. In accordance with the practical aims, the dissertation follows the format of Grunow, Wohlfahrt und Beuels, as described in „Theorie als wissenschaftliche Anleitung für die Praxis“ . However, due to the insufficient state of research, only the foundation can be laid for a theory on functional marketing of identification systems in German organization and club management - consequently resulting in a new research field. The formulation and verification of five research guiding problems on the a.m. object of study plays an essential role. Empirical procedure: The empirical verification of the a.m. five research guiding problems is carried out with the help of realistic conjoint analysis and therefore with a process of preference measurement. Based on a three-level process, characteristics and specifications of identification concepts which are relevant for the analysis are determined first. These are then evaluated by survey participants using conjoint analysis which is carried out online. The selection of survey participants is based on a random process, however it does concentrate on members of German sports clubs. Results: This dissertation provides new (marketing) knowledge for ID conception in German organization and club management based on five scientifically verified assertions. This new knowledge lays the foundation for a new field of research and a theory for the functional marketing of identification systems. Based on the positive generalization of the research results from the statistical population of approximately 28,000,000 club members, action supporting impulses are provided for the operative work with identification concepts at a organizational and club level for decision-makers in organization and club management. In addition, suggestions are provided for additional research projects in this new field of research. A critical observation of some results of motivational research on volunteer dedication is a secondary benefit.
Original languageGerman
Place of PublicationKöln
PublisherDeutsche Sporthochschule Köln
Number of pages249
Publication statusPublished - 2011
