Bestimmung der Herzfrequenz- und Sauerstoffaufnahmekinetik zur Beurteilung der aeroben Ausdauerleistungsfähigkeit bei Nachwuchsleistungssportlern mit verschiedenen Trainingsbelastungen am Beispiel Handball und Schwimmen

Publication: Book/ReportDissertations

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Purpose: Heart rate- (HR) and oxygen uptake (V̇O2) kinetics are limiting factors for high aerobic exercise performance. Slow kinetics at entering exercise (on-kinetics) and too fast kinetics at ending exercise (off-kinetics) are associated with an inferior activation of oxidative phosphorylation respectively a lower intensity of PCr resynthesis. In this study, it is hypothesized that pulmonary (V̇O2pulm), muscular (V̇O2musc) oxygen uptake and heart rate on-kinetics are faster in youth elite swimmers (S) compared with youth elite handball players (HB). Methods: 43 subjects (S: n=21, 16.2±2.5 years, 181.5±7.9 cm, 68.6±9.4 kg, 17.67±6.38 h of training/week, HB: n=22, 15.5±0.7 years, 180.5±10.6 cm, 74.4±13.7 kg, 8.28±2.11 h of training/week) completed a cycle ergometry protocol with pseudo-randomized work rate (WR) changes on a cycle ergometry with watts at 30 and 80. HF- and V̇O2pulm kinetics were directly measured by ECG and spirometry. V̇O2musc was estimated with a circulatory model. Kinetics were calculated using time series analysis. Higher maxima of the cross-correlation function (CCFpeak) of the respective parameter (V̇O2 and HF) indicate faster kinetic response. Results: The kinetics of HR (HB: 0.32±0.08 vs. S: 0.35±0.08; p=0.195) and V̇O2pulm (0.35±0.06 vs. 0.38±0.10; p=0.200) showed no significant difference between the groups. The kinetics of V̇O2musc (0.36±0.06 vs. 0.40±0.06; p=0.032) were significantly faster in swimmers compared to handball players. Conclusions: It seems that continuous aerobic endurance training with low intensity changes as in swimming has a more favourable effect on fast V̇O2 kinetics than intermittent training with frequently changing intensities as in handball. In this case, the faster muscular V̇O2 kinetics means a faster compensation of the O2-deficit during load changes in the moderate load range and thus a better aerobic endurance performance of the swimmers. For further validation of the results recorded here, further measurements (e.g. determination of PCr kinetics) are necessary.
Original languageGerman
Place of PublicationKöln
PublisherDeutsche Sporthochschule Köln
Number of pages136
Publication statusUnpublished - 2022
