Diagnostic of the high-energy system in female soccer

Alexandra Wördehoff, Sarah Meinerz, Oliver Heine, Helge Ulf Knigge

Publication: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution - Published abstract for conference with selection processResearchpeer-review

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationImage, Multimedia & New Technologies : Book of abstracts - International Congress Sciences and Football
EditorsBachir Zoudji, Aimen Khacharem
Number of pages163
PublisherPresses universitaires de Valenciennes
Publication date04.03.2016
ISBN (Print)978-2-36424-048-3
Publication statusPublished - 04.03.2016
EventInternational Congress of Sciences and Football - Valenciennes, France
Duration: 01.03.201604.03.2016
Conference number: 2016
