Entwicklung, Implementierung und Evaluation eines motivationstheoretisch fundierten Interventionsprogramms zur Optimierung der Wettkampfstabilität im Tischtennishochleistungssport

Publication: Book/ReportDissertations

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The main goal of this PhD project was the development and evaluation of a motivational theory-based intervention program, which should enable table tennis coaches, to systematically reduce blatant training competition discrepancies of their players. In order to find out whether the treatments used actually led to the intended behavioural modifications on the trainer and player side, the individual diagnostic interview and questionnaire system (IZUB) was used in addition to the BELT (observation sheet for recording trainer behaviour that promotes performance motivation): By comparing the data collected at the beginning with the initial interview (including the associated questionnaires) and after the intervention via final interview (dto.), it was possible to determine whether and to what extent changes had occurred during the approximately 11/2- year investigation period.
On the basis of the available findings, however, the effectiveness of the trainer training programme based on motivation theory cannot always be concluded (s. ch. 6.7.3.). Although most test trainers apply HE- promoting and less frequently FM-inducing measures in training after the course is completed (according to Framework-Hypothesis I) - which should actually also provide the basic prerequisites for a positive influence on structures of competition stability among their players (according to Framework-Hypothesis II). However, the findings of the hypothesis-based individual case analyses did not ultimately confirm this basic assumption: With one exception (s. ch. - Pbd. J.O.) the modified trainer behaviour apparently had no generally positive influence in relation to the intended changes in the competition behaviour of the test players - on the contrary: In the majority of the test persons, the characteristics of relevant content areas of competition stability have not only not improved but tended to deteriorate (Chap. 6.7.3).
However, this was not a reason for resignation, but rather a stimulus for further (leading) reflections and interventions. The persistent course of the fears of failure and blockages in many "training world champions" gave rise to the obvious consideration of "transcending" the limited conceptual framework of an intervention programme based exclusively on motivation theory into an holistic biopsychosocial one. In a multi- perspective approach, the handling of psychologically stressful competitive and performance situations was now seen context-dependent, career-related and multifactorially determined (Chap. 7) - especially since the following hypothesis can be derived from the "secondary" interpretations of the main empirical findings in the light of system-theoretically and depth-psychologically oriented approaches (Chap. 7.3): The persistent “failure of competition” / "burnout" is obviously favoured by a combination of overstraining stress situations, insufficient regeneration, inappropriate personal goals / priorities and difficult (socio-cultural / organisational) framework conditions (no supporting environment / increasing time pressure / too little autonomy) (e.g. Kleiber/Enzmann 1990; Burisch 2005; Aderhold 2011; Prieß 2013).
Through the reflective "view on the whole" of competition-stability / burnout-resistance and the targeted elaboration of the underlying factors and conditions of success for sustainable innovation respectively change management (according to which test trainers in a coherent context of psychological security have to be accompanied much longer and "more supportive") in spite of or rather owing to the confirmation failure of the motivation-theoretically based trainer-training, the present re-/evaluation made a substantial contribution to the further development and testing of innovative approaches in trainer training and further training. However, a retrospective and critical overview of the main study and supplementary studies makes it clear that the limits of such innovation measures must also be reflected, for example by emphasising the structural basic problems and dangers of excessive demands on trainers (Chap. 8).
Original languageGerman
Place of PublicationKöln
PublisherDeutsche Sporthochschule Köln
Number of pages945
Publication statusPublished - 2015
