„Jetzt, wo es weg ist, weiß ich, was fehlt.“: Potentiale und Grenzen künstlerisch-pädagogischer Online-Praxislehre im universitären Kontext

Publication: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearch


In times of contact restrictions due to the Covid 19 pandemic, digital learning environments and teaching formats are suddenly gaining relevance. University educational institutions are confronted with the necessity of a temporary digital-only implementation of their curriculum. In addition to lectures and seminars, practical courses in sports science have to be adjusted within a short time to the specifications of the regional rectors' conferences and the participating secretary. Almost all sport and movement courses are confronted with unique challenges, including the artistic-pedagogical field represented in all BA courses at the German Sport University. The article gives insight into the diversity of the new challenges teachers face in lesson design and pedagogical interaction in online practical teaching. It shows a pedagogical spectrum of action: from a simple labor-economical transfer of content from classroom teaching to an online environment to the reinterpretation of the subject matter due to the (further) development potential that digital learning environments allow. The aim is to describe the artistic-pedagogical work in its (forced) extension by digital resources (RKB e.V., 2015) and examine it concerning the chances and limits of this further development. Based on ethnographic observations, interview transcripts, and reflective conversations with students and staff, the aim is to work out and evaluate contexts of action and meaning through qualitative content analysis (Mayring, 2010). The ethnological data collection is based on the university teaching at the German Sport University Cologne in the summer term 2020.
Original languageGerman
Title of host publicationDigitalisierung und Sportwissenschaft
EditorsClaudia Steinberg, Benjamin Bonn
Number of pages18
Place of PublicationBaden-Baden
PublisherAcademia Verlag
Publication date2021
Article number9
ISBN (Print)978-3-98572-002-6
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-98572-003-3
Publication statusPublished - 2021
