Meal replacement by formula diet reduces weight more than a lifestyle intervention alone in patients with overweight or obesity and accompanied cardiovascular risk factors - the ACOORH trial

Martin Halle, Martin Röhling, Winfried Banzer, Klaus-Michael Braumann, Kerstin Kempf, David McCarthy, Nina Schaller, Hans-Georg Predel, Jürgen Scholze, Dagmar Führer-Sakel, Hermann Toplak, Aloys Berg

Publication: Contribution to journalJournal articlesResearchpeer-review


Background: As formula diets have demonstrated to be effective in reducing weight, we hypothesised that in patients with overweight or obesity and accompanied cardiovascular risk factors, combining a liquid formula diet with a lifestyle intervention is superior in reducing weight and improving cardiovascular risk factors than lifestyle intervention alone.

Methods: In this multicenter RCT 463 participants with overweight or obesity (BMI: 27-35 kg/m²; at least one additional co-morbidity of the metabolic syndrome) were randomised (1:2) into either a control group with lifestyle intervention only (CON, n = 155) or a lifestyle intervention group including a liquid meal replacement (INT, n = 308). Both groups used telemonitoring devices (scales and pedometers), received information on healthy diet and were instructed to increase physical activity. Telemonitoring devices automatically transferred data into a personalised online portal and acquired data were discussed. INT obtained a liquid meal replacement substituting three meals/day (~1200 kcal) within the first week. During weeks 2-4, participants replaced two meals/day and during weeks 5-26 only one meal/day was substituted (1300-1500 kcal/day). Follow-up was conducted after 52 weeks. Intention-to-treat analyses were performed. Primary outcome was weight change. Secondary outcomes comprised changes in cardiometabolic risk factors including body composition and laboratory parameters.
Original languageEnglish
JournalEuropean journal of clinical nutrition
Pages (from-to)661-669
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 04.2021
