Positive Konsequenzen von Rivalität auf die Identität von Konsumenten und Marken - Empirische Analysen in Teamsport- und Konsumgütermärkten

Publication: Book/ReportDissertations


This dissertation investigates consumer and brand rivalries. Previous research has focused on the negative consequences of rivalry, such as stereotyping, derogation, price wars, aggression, hate and violence. This dissertation shows that rivalry can also have beneficial consequences.
On team sports markets, the conflict with the rival strengthens fans` identity, increasing group cohesion, group distinctiveness and public collective self-esteem. Outside a sports context on consumer good markets, rivalry creates a positioning and identity effect, increasing brand distinctiveness as well as consumer group distinctiveness. Having established the positive link between rivalry and identity, this dissertation also develops a communication strategy to reduce a key negative outcome of rivalry (aggression between rival fans).
By identifying benefits of rivalry, this research contributes to a more balanced assessment as well as a better understanding of an emerging phenomenon. The results also help to correct inefficient and counter-productive views.
Original languageGerman
Place of PublicationKöln
PublisherDeutsche Sporthochschule Köln
Number of pages153
Publication statusPublished - 24.01.2018
