Professionalisierung der deutschen Physiotherapie aus einer ethischen und moralischen Perspektive: Eine explorative Studie

Publication: Book/ReportDissertations

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Physiotherapy is currently in a process of professional development in which new responsibilities such as direct access, academization, and professional action have to be differentiated. It can be seen that the foundations of these negotiations are rarely based on a ethical foundation and that the moral competence of physiotherapists is completely neglected. It is also apparent that this professionaliza- tion is to be carried out unsystematically and without a precise theoretical reference, which has so far prevented the structuring of this development. Different professional models are to be used to under- pin the professionalization of this profession and to consolidate professional ethics. Furthermore, complex dilemmas are to be filtered out from an ethical perspective and transferred into practical teachability in order to develop a new orientation of professional ethics, as well as an appropriate moral competence of physiotherapists so that they can represent autonomous decisions in a responsi- ble manner in the future, and to initiate a discussion in this subject area is also initiated or rather can be intensified. With a semi-structured expert interview of 15 physiotherapists, a qualitative research approach will be used to gain new insights in an open and flexible way. Especially in the field of professionalization research, this branch of social research is often used to structure the different life views of the study participants and to generate perspectives of a dynamic professional situation. The results show that the previous debate on ethical and moral issues is incomplete or non-existent for practicing therapists. With the help of structure and system theory, it was possible to develop a pro- fessional ideal of action, and a more precise professional function for German physiotherapy, which promotes professional ethical and moral action through specially developed ethics and moral compe- tence teaching. Furthermore, typical dilemma situations were identified that occur particularly fre- quently in everyday working life. This discrepancy between an ideal physiotherapeutic type and the actual pattern of action can be overcome by reflective professionalism and moral competence by providing a reflective approach to typical professional but also ethical questions through one’s own professional profile.
Original languageGerman
Place of PublicationKöln
PublisherDeutsche Sporthochschule Köln
Number of pages295
Publication statusPublished - 2021
