Publication: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution - Published abstract for conference with selection processResearchpeer-review


Sport in all social forms is characterized by racist structures and incidents, also experienced by children and youth. Physi-cal education (PE) can be an area to fight racism but can also be an environment where racism is (re)produced. The per-spective of pupils is crucial in teaching research as they are the primary individuals experiencing teaching and learning. As a result, they can offer valuable insight into both successes and challenges encountered. The objective of this study was to conduct a systematic review to find out the extent and quality of national (German) and international publications on racism and anti-racism in PE, considering pupils’ perspectives.
The procedure of the systematic review, following the PRISMA standard, had a four-step approach: (1) Searching for publi-cations in 11 electronic databases with 12 keyword combinations, in German and English. (2) Selecting studies based on five inclusion criteria a) peer-reviewed journals b) English or German full texts; c) participants were pupils, teachers, or researchers; d) publications involved racism or anti-racism in PE e) considering a pupils’ perspective. (3) Quality assess-ment using Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) and Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) and, thus, (4) descrip-tive analysis and thematic analysis (i.e., template analysis and elements of reflexive thematic analysis).
A total of 5213 publications was found of which 16 qualified for inclusion. Two of them had a theoretical approach, 13 used qualitative methods, and one source had a mixed-method approach. All publications came from English-speaking coun-tries and different approaches on how to define racism were found. Every publication could be attached to the top two out of three quality categories using CASP and MMAT. During the thematic analysis, five themes could be constructed, of which the 2 most prominent are now presented here: (1) “Racism in PE: What pupils experience”. Pupils report their (racist) experiences of discrimination in PE, sport, and everyday life. These are often classified by the researchers as racial stereo-types and prejudices, everyday racism. (2) „What PE teachers can/should do?” The articles contain ideas and demands on how teachers can meet the challenge of racism in PE. These range from concrete recommendations for teachers to de-mands for nationwide teacher training and curriculum reforms.
Enlightening international literature was found, but despite Germanys historical responsibility in this matter, no national (German) publication was found. Since the global phenomenon of racism differs locally, it seems necessary to conduct a survey with pupils in Germany as well, to identify their racist experiences, racist knowledge, and anti-racist potential, too. This would allow to formulate demands on teacher training and politics in Germany.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationeProceedings of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS): 28th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Explore - Enlighten - Perform, 4-7 July 2023, France. Guilhem, G., Rabita, G., Brocherie, F., Tsolakidis, E., Ferrauti, A., Helge, J. W. & Piacentini, M. F. (Hrsg.)
PublisherEuropean College of Sport Science
Publication date07.2023
Publication statusPublished - 07.2023
EventEuropean College of Sport Science: Explore Enlighten Perform - Palais des Congrès de Paris, Paris, France
Duration: 04.07.202307.07.2023
Conference number: 28
