Safety of a Combined Supervised and Home-Based Whole-Body Vibration Intervention for Childhood Cancer Survivors

Vanessa Oschwald, Aram Prokop, Sarah Otten, Volker Maas, Fiona Streckmann, Wilhelm Bloch, Jonas Krumbach, Julia Däggelmann

Publication: Contribution to journalConference abstract in journalResearchpeer-review


Purpose: To assess safety of a whole-body vibration (WBV) intervention, combining supervised and home-based training for childhood cancer survivors.
Methods: Eight childhood cancer survivors (mixed cancer types, age: 6-17) participated in a 12-week WBV-intervention, comprising one supervised and two home-based sessions per week. Training was performed on a side-alternating vibration platform. WBV-protocol included one warmup (60 sec, 18 Hz, 2mm peak-to-peak amplitude) and 5-10 progressive training exercises (60-90 sec, 18-27 Hz, 2mm peak-to-peak amplitude). Adverse events leading to health deterioration and intervention drop out were evaluated. Side effects of WBV were secondarily investigated.
Results: No study dropout due to WBV-related adverse events occurred. Three patients reported pain in the feet following WBV (vibration frequencies: 22Hz and 27 Hz) that required early training stop or temporary training interruption. Itching in the feet and legs during exercising was reported in almost all patients. One patient experienced itching in the lower back.
Conclusions: Not only supervised1 but also home-based WBV is safe for childhood cancer survivors. However, close monitoring seems necessary to detect the onset of pain. Survivors and families should be informed that common symptoms of WBV like itching2 are possible during or immediately following WBV.

References: 1. Rustler V, Prokop A, Streckmann F, et al. Whole-Body Vibration Training Designed to Improve Functional Impairments After Pediatric Inpatient Anticancer Therapy: A Pilot Study. Pediatr Phys Ther 2018;30(4):341-394 2. Rittweger J, Beller G, Felsenberg G. Acute physiological effects of exhaustive whole-body vibration exercise in man. Clin Physiol 2000;20(2):134-142
Disclosure Statement: No conflicts to disclosure.
Original languageEnglish
JournalOncology Research And Treatment
Issue numberS1
Pages (from-to)182
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 02.2020
Event34. Deutscher Krebskongress : informativ. innovativ. integrativ. Optimale Versorgung für alle. - Berlin, Germany
Duration: 19.02.202022.02.2020
Conference number: 34


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