Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von körperlicher Aktiviität auf die Stoffwechselsituation von postmenopausalen Frauen

Katharina Hofmann

Publication: Book/ReportDissertations

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Menopause is accompanied by various physical changes (weight gain, loss of muscle
mass) and diseases (metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis). This has a negative impact
on women's quality of life and also places a burden on the healthcare system.
Existing training recommendations are mainly based on studies of men or young
women. Moreover, they often focus only on one symptom. Despite exercise, women
report weight gain, lack of strength, joint problems and elevated blood lipids. Exercise
recommendations do not appear to be effective in postmenopausal women.
Therefore, in the present cumulative dissertation, metabolic response was analyzed
by spiroergometry in pre- and postmenopausal women of comparable BMI, while a
single endurance exercise. Based on this, two three-month training interventions,
consisting of endurance training (2x/week) and strength training (1x/week), as well as
sling training (3x/week), in combination with protein/carbohydrate supplementation
were performed and analyzed. Positive effects were seen in functional strength, body
composition and body weight. The supplementation promotes the effects in trunk
strength. In a subgroup analysis of 26 female subjects, the 44Ca/42Ca ratio was
measured by isotope analysis to investigate the effect on bone metabolism. A
significant training effect was detectable, although the training was not specifically
designed to improve bone metabolism. In addition, the efficacy of strength training
alone, with free weights at two intensity levels, was examined. There was a
significant increase in strength, but no change in body composition. In a pilot study,
the thyroid response was analyzed after acute and chronic endurance interventions.
Postmenopausal women did not show increased secretion of TSH after an acute
endurance stimulus compared to premenopausal women. Endurance training
reduced the response.
In conclusion, endurance and strength training can be recommended to improve
strength capacity, body composition and bone metabolism in postmenopausal
women. Nevertheless, further studies are needed to provide overall training
Original languageGerman
Place of PublicationKöln
PublisherDeutsche Sporthochschule Köln
Number of pages69
Publication statusPublished - 2023
